Are there any good HOB Heaters?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Dec 14, 2009
Long time fishkeeper here, but I am a bit old school. I have only used the old "reliable" hob glass heaters. The one I have on my newest tank is driving me batty because it won't keep a constant heat. I tweak it constantly. It just won't hold a perfect temp steady.
So instead of buying another one of these I am wondering what else out there a) works well and b) is adjustable.
I have always tried to give my fishes the impression that they are in the wild. This means over the winter I gradually drop the temps and decrease the amount of light they receive. Not talking crazy here, of course. At the coldest we go down to is 72, maybe 70 depending on the fish I have. Warmest 82 at the peak of summer. But being this anal about my temps, this glass one just isn't cutting it.
Submersibles aren't EASILY adjustable, are they?
Any suggestions??
they make titanium heaters which are supposedly the best for heat distribution. i just ordered a marineland stealth pro heater, which replaced the visi-therm stealth (i think) which was the most highly recommened heater around here. It should be here this week, so ill know in a week or two how good it is, but ive heard nothing but awesome reviews on them
submeribles are really easy to adjust. having a submersible under the out put of the filter or next to the input really helps give a even distribution of heat.

visia therm stealths are the best i have used.
Thanks guys! Mucho gracias!
Me goes shopping. ;)
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