Do I need Carbon

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Aug 9, 2006
On all of my tanks I use the Whisper hang on back #60 power filters.These filters have a sponge and a bio bag that contains carbon.
On each of my 55s I use two of these filters and on the smaller tanks I use one filter

I've been led to believe that the carbon needs to be used only to clear up medication that has been put in the tank and does not help in the filtration of the water. Can I filter the tanks effectively without the bio bags with the carbon, using only the sponge?
The water on all of my tanks is crystal clear and I don't want to mess it up.
I'd use it only when you think you need it - but of course it can't hurt to use it as long as you're keeping the tank bio happy...
Activated carbon should only be used periodically to remove contaminants......Most carbon cartridges become saturated in a few days and should be discarded.
I agree, most carbon can last for a few days (depending on bioload and other factors) up to maybe 2 weeks. I run SW, and I haven't run carbon in many years.
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