Help me with this skimmer please

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Feb 27, 2006
Houston, TX, U.S.
I have a cheap Skilter 250 Skimmer Filter for my 30G. Can anyone help me out with it? I have a few questions

1. It releases lots of bubble into the tank. How do i stop it from doing that?

2. It sometimes skim wet, sometimes dry. What are the differences between skimming wet and dry? Which one is better? How would i set it to skim wet or dry? Right now, it just skims wet if it wants, dry if... it wants lol

Thanks for your help
i just got rid of my skilter. i hated it. i could never get it to work right. the only way i knew how to get the bubbles from coming out was to push the cap down on the air intake tube until it was bearable. i think you are supposed to skim wet first until you arent getting much junk then go dry. they told me to skim wet for about two weeks then go a little more dry. HTH
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