Kessil amzon sun

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jan 9, 2013
Is anyone using the kessil amzon sun pendant lighting?
I ordered one for my 45g planted tank. If it works out I will buy a second one.
I have read they are noisy
I have the ocean blue on my reef tank. I don't think it is super loud, you can hear a faint whistling noise from the fan but only when you are super close to it.
For sure. Mine covers my 24" tank easily. Two would definitely cover 36".
I thought it would be good because my tank is 2 ft. tall, & I heard that they were good @ penetrating water. I don't want to use co2 though.
I just installed within the past week the "WE" models. Two on a 46 bow. They replaced a quad T5 HO. So far..less pearling but increased growth in that time period. Jury still out.

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My LFS uses one of these on a 45 gallon cube and it is carpeting Dwarf Baby Tears. It look like it is a really strong light.

Is your LFS in CT by chance? Curious..saw similar and with a different result about two weeks ago..

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