New Refractometer - Questions

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Apr 13, 2004
Rossville. Ga
I bought a portable refrac. and got it today. I was wondering if I could calibrate it using regular spring drinking water like aquafina?

Don't want to go out and get distilled tonight. Alas I will wait if need be....

TIA! :wink:
I would recommend waiting for the distilled. Good tasting water usually has some minerals in it, as distilled or demineralized water tends to taste "flat" or "stale".

If you had a Reverse Osmosis Water Purification Unit, you could get fairly close with RO water, but it still wouldn't be as accurate as distilled.
Distilled...don't bother with the spring's basically well water and the calibration won't be accurate.
Mine came calibrated already. I have tested with RO water and never have had to re-calibrate.
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