water question

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Mar 28, 2009
I plan to make an auto top off/auto PWC unit for a breeding system I've been designing. (and hopefully building :D)

My question is:
If its just a fresh water system do I NEED a full RO unit?
Can I get away with just sediment/carbon block filters?
I think that will get rid of the chlorine and contaminants, but I'm not sure.

If I have to, I'll just make a dechlorinator dosing system too.
It's my understanding that a carbon block will strip out chlorine, and at lower flow rates it'll strip chloramine too. What "low" flow rates are though... I don't know!
The entire system I am planning to put in the garage and attach the water filter unit to a garden spigot just outside the door. (long story) I think the flow rate will be variable so that may work then. :D
As a person that works at a water municipality, clorine and chloramines are not the only thing you have to worry about. There is Heavy metals and nitrates and phosphates and silicates and flouride. All things that are OK for us humans but not good for our reefs. Read this.

Chemistry and the Aquarium
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