Where to purchase 300 gallon tank

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Jan 25, 2010
Southern Illinois
I'm looking for some advice. I am wanting to puchase a 96X24X30 acrylic aquarium. I have been watching Craigslist and ebay without any luck. Thinking about buying new. I would like to hear from anyone that has experience with this. Thank you
I just purchased a 250 on cl, in my area I have seen a 300 and even a 450 tank but both were glass. You'll prob just have to buy new because finding something that big and acrylic will be a once in a long while thing on cl. Just my opinion though.
Check out glasscages.com on the internet. They have a huge selection of aquariums, made to order, in both glass and acrylic. They will ship almost anywhere in the USA, so check them out.
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