Which Koralia for 46 Gal

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Dec 15, 2008
I have a 46 gallon bowfront with a Fluval 405 filter. The filter is rated about 350 gph. I only have about 5 fish, live rock, a few mushrooms, and hammer coral as of now. I was wondering which Hydor Koralia to go with. Two Koralia 1's rated at 400 each, or two Koralia 2's rated at 600 each. The ones will get me around 1150 gph and the twos will get me 1550 gph. Also I have 96 watts of pc on the tank. What would y'all recommend for this setup?
I would go with at least the 2 twos. I have a 3 and a tunze nano in my 55.
Agree with roka... at least 2x #2. I have a single #2 in my 46g bowfront, but have other flow producers in addition to it. The flow rating on the Koralias is deceptive because it is such a wide flow pattern. I'd equate the *velocity* of the water coming out of a Koralia #2 to a Maxijet 600.
No. But...

It all depends on what corals you put where. As long as you place corals correctly, and don't blast them with direct flow, 2x #3 shouldn't be too much. Mounting them in the corner and doing a "bank shot" off the corners tames the flow down a bunch too.
I agree with Kurt. I am not a reefer, but some corals need a stronger, direct flow as opposed to the ones that like a steady, light flow.
Probably the 2. Koralia's are cool...they give a lot of flow, but because of their wide fan design, they spread the flow out...not like a maxi-jet that can blast your corals to death if it's too strong. I have a koralia nano in my 20 gal, along with an odyssea 250 that I hate. The koralia is the bomb....get the 2!! You'll be happy...or....you can definitely do like one of the previous guys said and get two 3's and deflect the flow to achieve inderect contact of rocks or the walls of the tank
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