Khuli Loach one of my favs.

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No PWC this weekend. Enjoying the tank. The Khuli's are getting comfy again. After the big change over last month they were timid for a while. IMG_7466.jpgIMG_7472.jpgIMG_7477.jpgIMG_7480.jpg
Right after I redid the tank. Looking back at pics 1/7. These were long twisted pieces with roots at all the joints. I separated and planted.
5 weeks. And the dwarf sag is starting to pop up in places I didn't plant it. So it is sending out runners.
PWC, vacuum and a little moss trim today. Still waiting for it to clear but everything looks ok. A bit of algae here and there but critters are keeping things pretty clean. IMG_7519.jpg
Buce is leafing out a bit more.
And everyone is enjoying the brussel sprouts. IMG_7532.jpg
When cooking veggies for dinner I'll blanch some just to see what the critters think. Watermelon is the real favorite.
So far I would have to say it is more of a question as to what they WON'T eat.
Blanched or boiled carrot was ignored.
Our nerites would stash carrots and I would find it later. Snails are weird.

We're planning our garden for the year, and it's fun to add vegetables for the fish and snails.
That is funny. Kale, chard, broccoli w leaves, spinach, arugula, apple, cantaloupe, watermelon, cucumber, zucchini, dandelion, nasturtium....the list just keeps going of things they will eat. Oh and pea based snello.
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