Backyard Livebearer breeding

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Jan 30, 2014
I heard of some people that have bred livebearers in their backyards in summer and with a kiddie pool. Im wondering if and how this is possible with guppys.
Just plant the surface heavily with hornwort, frogbit, etc
Keep it out of a lot of direct sun, because the temp changes will be insane.
I do lots of egg layers, and cichlids.

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you can hand breed goldfish fairly esaly, you could make a year round pond (where do you live)
I put black mollies in a goldfish pond early one summer (years ago also in northern VA) and by mid summer there were dozens in there. Growth was rapid and they were healthy and colorful.
Catching them in the fall was a chore. If you've got the space, go for it. Just make provisions to rehome, sell, give away them if you cannot bring them all indoors at the end of the season.

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I've never done it but my first thought was my dogs trying to drink out of pool...really though along those lines you'd have to be careful for any predators. Here in our part of MD the deer for example are considered pests....

How big was the pond?

And I have a small dog but he hates the water... :drain:
That pond was abound 9' in diameter and 18-22" deep.
I currently have a small water feature (50-60 gallons) that used to have some goldfish but a raccoon ate them. It only has mosquito fish in the now (year round).

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I live in the Cincinnati area can I keep a pond out in the summer with guppies and mollies and fish like that? I have a goldfish pond but this winter was really bad and my pond completely froze!!! It's a 90 gallon pond. Well 89 but I round it up. I've also always wondered can I keep african cichlids in the summer in my pond? It gets pretty warm and it doesn't get direct sunlight for most of the day but like during sunset it does but only for about 1-2 hours

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if you could get a thermometer, a heating solution, and maybe a cooler for the pond you could keep them year round.
Not thinking cichlids would be wise for this. Too hard to keep a stable temp and too big of risk of predation. Their colors would make them sitting ducks, plus the cost of having 20+ die could easily be a couple hundred dollars.

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Would you need a special heater or can you use a regular tank heater?

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A regular heater would work. Use an outdoor outlet. I would run a filter and a powerhead and use some live plants. Include lots of hiding places. Keep it out of direct sunlight.

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I've done this for several years. Cichlids work if you use large stock tanks. The tanks are deep and have a large surface, very stable no critter issues. Livebears, make large breeding traps. The fry aren't stupid and swim away especially if you have plants in the outer part of the pool. I raise several thousand fish each summer in 6x6, 8x8 Intex pools and 175gal stock tanks.
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