how do I view all my previous posts?

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Sep 19, 2005
Los Angeles
there used to be a choice section were you can view all of your post, now that choice is not there anymore, Ive tried search but it doesnt contain by member so how can I find my previous post?
this is all i get:

View posts from the last 24 hours
View unanswered posts
Watched Topics
View posts since last visit (8
On mine, it's on the upper right side. Here's what mine says...

View posts since last visit (64)
View your posts

The ones you posted are on mine on the left side.

I'm using the BlackSoul look.
wassup why u get it and I dont? what template format you have on?
that is why boo boo boo on the formatter not to add that great piece of hyperlink to all
Go to the search page and put your username in the box that says search by author. You will get every post you ever made.
Thanks for bringing this up. In the meantime, the other method is to go to any one of your previous posts, click your profile and then click "view all posts".
Here's a related question.

Is there a way to just search for all of the threads that you've started as instead of all the posts you've made?
You can do an “advanced search” using the search button at the top of the page.

In the field “Search for Author:” put your name and then change the “Sort by:” to Author and search.

Your posts start on the second page if sorted by decending order. Unfortunately it doesn’t look like it’s in chronological order though.
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