ok, what am I doing wrong?

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Aug 25, 2004
I have tried a bunch of time to putt pics with some of my posts. Menagerie helped me out with my last one by putting them up for me. But I cant do it on my own. Is it some thing I am doing wrong. My pictures are usually around 300x300 pixels..give or take a hundred, and between 25 and 50 kb. When I go to post I hit the browse button, select a picture, hit the add attachment button and then submit. Can any one help me out here?
What your doing sounds fine to me. IMages can be at large as 100KB in size. The acceptable formats are jpg and gif.
The last post I was able to have pictures was when I posted my DIY caves. All those pictures went up fine. Then BAM, nothing. Strange.
Uploaded: 2.03 MB / Quota: 2 MB / 102% of total

Per the attachment quota meeter in your profile. Click on the profile button below any of your posts and you will see this. Click the link below the bar graph to see your uploaded images. Remove any old images to create space.
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