Hornwort is MELTING!!!

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Jul 26, 2011
With a fish tank
I have a 55 gallon tank with anacharis (both types), hornwort, java fern, java moss, anubias, some peace lily, and a recently added red tiger lotus bulb. All seem to be doing fine except the hornwort is just breaking down and dying. I had it weighed down in the substrate, but now I've moved the living peices. Most of it is floating, although I left a peice of it in the substrate under the light. What could the problem be? Oh, and the light is less than appropriate for the aquarium.
I have a 55 gallon tank with anacharis (both types), hornwort, java fern, java moss, anubias, some peace lily, and a recently added red tiger lotus bulb. All seem to be doing fine except the hornwort is just breaking down and dying. I had it weighed down in the substrate, but now I've moved the living peices. Most of it is floating, although I left a peice of it in the substrate under the light. What could the problem be? Oh, and the light is less than appropriate for the aquarium.
Are you adding Flourish Excel? In my case the Excel melted most of my hornwort
I had the same problem with hornwort from the lfs, it always dropped the leaves and died. Several years ago I received a shipment of dwarf crayfish with some small pieces of hornwort for them to hang onto in transit. That hornwort grew very well, and I've had a tankful ever since. I thin out a couple gallon ziploc bags every so often, and it just grows back again.
I never weighted it down, it just floats freely. Light is a regular 4' FL shop light, 1 6700k and 1 daylight spectrum bulb. Not even the duckweed that regularly covers the surface slows it down.
I've had the same problem as well. However it was only when I anchored mine into the substrate that it occurred.when I let it float it did more than fine
Oh okay. I had mine anchored down because one strain of my swordtail fry likes to hide in the bottom. It's floating now, so hopefully things will change. Thanks
I grow hortwort like crazy. My tank setup is 2.7wpg t5ho. With pressurized CO2. I have a unfertalized sandy bottom, and haven't added fertilazer but hornwort doesn't seem to care.
I have red flourite clay mixed with my gravel and a top layer of sand. No ferts, no co2, and not much light. Its mainly just natural.
Most research waspretty much inconcisive; Half said one thing, the others said another. But, yea I'll have proper lighting by Christmas. I'll be redoing the tank
Hornwort IS a low light plant, but you still need a proper level/spectrum of lighting to grow it, it won't grow under just anything. There's only a few plants I've dealt with that will grow under pretty much anything including ambient room light, ferns and java moss.

If the lighting hasn't been upgraded then that'd be the first step for me, I'd at least get a bulb in the right color spectrum anyhow.
check out the hornwort in my tank, planted in kitty litter...

edit not Hornwort
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Hornwort is a true floating plant. It never roots, and any effort to anchor it to the bottom usually results in the bottom end melting away.
BillD said:
Hornwort is a true floating plant. It never roots, and any effort to anchor it to the bottom usually results in the bottom end melting away.

Mine roots. Ask elj.
I don't aquascape with hornwort because it always turns brown and melts away... and those little tiny leaves are a nightmare to clean up. LOL. I just let it float in the tanks and do its thing now, it's great for breeding/fry tanks and it's a fast grower that sucks up a lot of excess nutrients. :)
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