white/clear stringy poo

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Aquarium Advice FINatic
Jun 14, 2013
my juvie 2 in. oscar's poo white, stringy =( there was plant matter attached and still wasn't falling from him...? (this was yesterday, gone now) He eats 1mm nls pellets 2x a day about 12 hrs apart. Because his diet is healthy does this point to parasites? =( seems every time I turn around new fish to worry me.. There are some plants in the tank, could he have eaten one to cause this? I just moved him to my 125 with my sevs... I separated him, my 5 in. one was chasing/stressing the little o. What should I do? thanks again
some pics of set up


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also until about 2/3 wks. ago I was feeding him 3x a day due to an article I read online. I posted the question on this forum and was advised to feed him 2 x a day, since then he's eating twice a day 12 hrs apart
White stringy poo usually means hex. How long has he had it? Any photos of the fish?
What I would do is go by epsom salt and distilled water. Soak pellets in 1 cup of distilled water, and epsom salt. Feed them to him for a week. Should be fine :)
What I would do is go by epsom salt and distilled water. Soak pellets in 1 cup of distilled water, and epsom salt. Feed them to him for a week. Should be fine :)

That's not going to get rid of internal parasites, if I'm not mistaken that's what you would do for bloat. I would either get medicated flakes from Angels plus or try a couple rounds Metro+, Paragaurd or Clout.
CalebZachary said:
My male convict had the white poop. For a week I treated him with this and it was gone.

I agree with Mog on this one. Epsom salt is a good accompanying treatment to reduce inflammation, but I don't think that treatment alone is nearly as effective as directly ingested metro.

Angelsplus medicated flakes have worked well for me. Assuming the fish is still eating.
That's not going to get rid of internal parasites, if I'm not mistaken that's what you would do for bloat. I would either get medicated flakes from Angels plus or try a couple rounds Metro+, Paragaurd or Clout.

I agree with Mog on this one. Epsom salt is a good accompanying treatment to reduce inflammation, but I don't think that treatment alone is nearly as effective as directly ingested metro.

Angelsplus medicated flakes have worked well for me. Assuming the fish is still eating.

Actually when soaking pellets in a 3% epsom salt to distilled water this will certainly cure most internal parasites including spironucleus vortens. Digestion is the key here when feeding, but the problem with alot of fish suffering from digestion issues is that the fish refuses food. If the fish the large enough you can actually use a pipette with a soft nozzle to force feed this solution directly into the gut. Epsom salts not only cure the parasites but ease the pressure in the already irritated digestive track.

Stringy white feces is a great indication of a digestive issue but it does not always mean internal parasites, what your actually seeing is the lining of the intestinal track. This irritation can be caused by improper diet, low quality foods, and ofcourse internal parasites. So the treatment is not a one size fits all I'm afraid. As mentioned if its truly spironucleus vortens or other parasites then ingestion of any medication is by far the most effective treatment, this can me medicated flakes(my first choice) because they are soft and easily digested which the fish prefers over a harder pellet(even soaked still harder than flakes), epsom salt soaked pellets, or a water born treatment such as Clout if the fish is refusing foods.
Thanks so much everyone. His appetite has not changed.. he does not look skinny, (I don't think) and he's swimming all around.. and 2/3 days before my post had normal looking poo..? (my fiance reminded me of this tonight)


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by 'appetite is the same' I mean he's eating good. I will get some epsom salt. I don't know how to messure the 3% though.. his pellets are tiny so would just be a tiny bit of water.. I would just pit a tiny pinch of the salt in? =)
trying to get better pic to show belly, he won't be still, wiggling all around wonderjng why I haven't fed him. I held off so far today thinking it might be constipation.


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