Plant grow out tanks

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Jul 5, 2011
A couple pics of my plant grow out tanks. A couple are in need of thinning.
It fun growing out plants, and supplying others with plants. Plus its a great learning experience.


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Nice plants! Care to share any hardware specs and what fert dosing regiment you use?
40B tank, 150watts of T-8/T-5 6500K light, PAR of about 90 at the substrate 10 hrs. per day photoperiod,pressurized CO2 at 40PPM concentration for 8 hrs. per day. diffused through power heads at each end of longer tanks(40L) GLA PPS-Pro ferts. + extra Potassium nitrate. Phosphate level around 8PPM. Nitrate 10 PPM GH 4 Kh 6 Temp 80. Lots of cussing at algae, pleading with algae, crying over algae. Then I hit the right combo of light, fert, and co2 and the algae disappeared. LOL No fauna in tanks, just flora.
I live in a little town called Gladwin. It is NW of the Midland/Saginaw area about 35 miles. Where are you in Mich.?
I was in Mt. Pleasant today at Club Green Aquatics. I sell plants to Paul almost weekly. Wow what a small world. LOL
Wow, beautiful tank. I will be setting up a dirted 75 gallon soon, after seeing your tanks I think it will be sooner.
Thank You . Those are just my propagation tanks. My wife and I have 2- 125 planted display tanks. One community, and one Discus. We really enjoy the planted tanks.(y)
HAH! I almost bought some plants from paul today :)

LOL That's funny!! Most of the plants in his shop are from me. I brought a huge Sword in Saturday. 22" tall:lol:
I wish he would get better lighting on a couple of thanks, and display the plants in those. They don't show very well under his current lighting:(
He is suppose to be getting some plants from a wholesaler in a few weeks.
I will be looking at the list for new stuff.
Here are a couple pics of the 125's


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Lots of cussing at algae, pleading with algae, crying over algae. Then I hit the right combo of light, fert, and co2 and the algae disappeared. LOL No fauna in tanks, just flora.

Yeah that was fun... NOT. But hey you had company as we waged war and vented together... lol!
Does this secret weapon involve fire or explosives? Because personally, i'm out of ideas otherwise
LOL That's funny!! Most of the plants in his shop are from me. I brought a huge Sword in Saturday. 22" tall:lol:
I wish he would get better lighting on a couple of thanks, and display the plants in those. They don't show very well under his current lighting:(
He is suppose to be getting some plants from a wholesaler in a few weeks.
I will be looking at the list for new stuff.

Yeah, I know what you mean. They get sad looking pretty quickly in his shop. Just 1 or 2 tanks with proper lighting would do wonders
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