Show off your Betta(s)!

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The first two females ( red and green ) live together. Biggest females I have ever seen!!! Both are a tad over 3 inches! The other two live together with a 3rd female who doesn't like pictures haha


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I have a couple monster females as well. One of which will be coming out of qt this weekend!
I came home with not one, not two, but three new additions today. One is a nice dark red female. I was looking for a female. As for the two boys... I just had to rescue them. Now I am not normally one to call buying a walmart betta a "rescue" but in this case there is no other word for it. Some idiot decided to put two boys in a cup to fight. So one male (looks to be a crowntail) was beaten up and trying to hide from the veiltail male that was the obvious victor. Of course no one was manning the fish section at this time (and some poor kid was just standing there waiting for assistance since before I got to the pet section). So I look through the little cubicle of fish stuff, which was smelling rank because they had for some reason scooped out all the dead fish earlier and just left them in a container by the sink instead of disposing of them, and couldn't find a spare cup. There wasn't one on the shelf of bettas either. So instead of just waiting for someone to wander by and help, I decided to bring them both home with me. I was a little happy that the *insert insult of choice here* who did this dumped them into the veil's cup, since they are cheaper than crowntails. I let the cashier know what had happened and told her that she needed to ring in two fish, no worries, I am not a fish thief! Oh, and I bought some spring water and a kritter keeper to separate them when I got to my car. And realized when I got home that I picked a cracked one... So tomorrow I will need to go replace it. And to top it off, I actually forgot to get the one thing I walked into that aisle to get, which was a mat to go under the cat's food dish. As soon as I spotted those two in the cup I just kind of went into panic mode. I will snap some pictures once they get settled in a little.
I came home with not one, not two, but three new additions today. One is a nice dark red female. I was looking for a female. As for the two boys... I just had to rescue them. Now I am not normally one to call buying a walmart betta a "rescue" but in this case there is no other word for it. Some idiot decided to put two boys in a cup to fight. So one male (looks to be a crowntail) was beaten up and trying to hide from the veiltail male that was the obvious victor. Of course no one was manning the fish section at this time (and some poor kid was just standing there waiting for assistance since before I got to the pet section). So I look through the little cubicle of fish stuff, which was smelling rank because they had for some reason scooped out all the dead fish earlier and just left them in a container by the sink instead of disposing of them, and couldn't find a spare cup. There wasn't one on the shelf of bettas either. So instead of just waiting for someone to wander by and help, I decided to bring them both home with me. I was a little happy that the *insert insult of choice here* who did this dumped them into the veil's cup, since they are cheaper than crowntails. I let the cashier know what had happened and told her that she needed to ring in two fish, no worries, I am not a fish thief! Oh, and I bought some spring water and a kritter keeper to separate them when I got to my car. And realized when I got home that I picked a cracked one... So tomorrow I will need to go replace it. And to top it off, I actually forgot to get the one thing I walked into that aisle to get, which was a mat to go under the cat's food dish. As soon as I spotted those two in the cup I just kind of went into panic mode. I will snap some pictures once they get settled in a little.

You are too kind! And somebody is a "bleep"
You are too kind! And somebody is a "bleep"

That's for sure. I definitely have some choice names for people like that floating about in my head. None of which are suitable for a nice family oriented forum, lol. I was absolutely fuming all the way home. I think I may have scared the poor kid who was waiting for someone to come by to net him a fish. I was essentially pacing the fish area with a cup of fish in my hand, muttering angrily under my breath. I just can't believe some people can be so callous and cruel. Actually, I can - I just hate them for it.
I have found fish on the floor in W*** M***, and a few other stores, numerous times, way back when they didn't have lids, and two in the same cup once but the cup was still there so I plopped it in there, seemed alright. A couple times I have over stepped store "bounderies" by adding (treated) water to a cup, called up the manager to come over and chewed them out occasionally. You can call their treatment of the fish cruelty to animals. Not just that store but others as well do not always take care of their fish.

Obviously there are some which take good care of them and stores can't keep idiots out of the isles, and thank you to those who do take good care of the little guys before we buy them.

I try and make sure they are made aware of it if I see it. Often the person who comes over to help is from a neighboring dept. and doesn't even know anything about fish, how to catch or care for them. Really annoying, it is hard for me to see how they still have a fish dept. The newer store put in a couple years ago, doesn't have live fish, just some supplies.

When I was at the petstore the shipment of bettas came in and they were each in an ounce of water, I think, barely enough to stay wet, I was a little surprised.
I came home with not one, not two, but three new additions today. One is a nice dark red female. I was looking for a female. As for the two boys... I just had to rescue them. Now I am not normally one to call buying a walmart betta a "rescue" but in this case there is no other word for it. Some idiot decided to put two boys in a cup to fight. So one male (looks to be a crowntail) was beaten up and trying to hide from the veiltail male that was the obvious victor. Of course no one was manning the fish section at this time (and some poor kid was just standing there waiting for assistance since before I got to the pet section). So I look through the little cubicle of fish stuff, which was smelling rank because they had for some reason scooped out all the dead fish earlier and just left them in a container by the sink instead of disposing of them, and couldn't find a spare cup. There wasn't one on the shelf of bettas either. So instead of just waiting for someone to wander by and help, I decided to bring them both home with me. I was a little happy that the *insert insult of choice here* who did this dumped them into the veil's cup, since they are cheaper than crowntails. I let the cashier know what had happened and told her that she needed to ring in two fish, no worries, I am not a fish thief! Oh, and I bought some spring water and a kritter keeper to separate them when I got to my car. And realized when I got home that I picked a cracked one... So tomorrow I will need to go replace it. And to top it off, I actually forgot to get the one thing I walked into that aisle to get, which was a mat to go under the cat's food dish. As soon as I spotted those two in the cup I just kind of went into panic mode. I will snap some pictures once they get settled in a little.

Awesome story! Glad you helped. Can't wait to see pictures!
I was at petco once and saw an adult half moon in a cup with a baby I was going to tell one of the coworkers but couldn't find anyone to tell...which isn't nearly as bad as two adults but still not ok
Got some pictures of the new boys!

The (perhaps crowntail) who seems to have lost the fight

The veil who seems to have won

Both are pretty boys. I hope they heal up well.
I currently have eight male bettas.
Kaz (My boyfriend's initials)- purple with red fins- veiltail
Mister EpicFishington (BF named him :p)- red and steel blue- twin tail half moon
Cielo- Blue with emerald and red highlights- veiltail
Inferno- red with white tips- veiltail
Phantom- bought white, has developed red patches on fins- halfmoon
Fuego- (the prettiest) red with white streaks in his fins- halfmoon? bought as rare- I'll post some pics later
Dorado- Gold with purple highlights (very unique looking)- whatever Fuego is
Pistol- Light blue with hints of red and white- Whatever Fuego and Dorado are- I bought them all on the same day at the same store. They were selling them as "rare male bettas" for $8.99.
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