New to planted tanks

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Sep 28, 2017
Hey so I’m new to planted tanks. I’m wanting to start a 10 gallon planted tank with a baby betta. Any tips and suggestions?
What are your goals with the tank plant wise? That will determine any tips & tricks we can offer.

Plant species?
Fertilizer program?
Low/med/high tech

options options ..... ;)
See the thing is I’m not sure what stuff are good to start with sooo
Well, start off by researching some tanks of similar size to yours and see what you like. Keep in mind there are some $$$$$$ tanks that look fantastic, but are simply to expensive for many of us. Generally you get what you pay for, but there are impressive tanks on a lower budget.

Look up low light tanks and high light tanks as a start.
Hey so I’m new to planted tanks. I’m wanting to start a 10 gallon planted tank with a baby betta. Any tips and suggestions?
For a Betta, sponge filters. And a good light. One that won't give a reflection inside. The brighter the better. Always have a test kit. As for the tank just don't get one from Walmart, junk. Petco has good ones and they are pretty cheap, well made. Imo. Going with a sponge filter I'd get an airline with adjustable air flow. Plants are all up to you and your research on them, how slow or fast you want them to grow is a big thing to look at while looking into them. Just keep in mind about lighting for them.
Okay. I have a penguin filter from my last tank. I can put a sponge on the intake. For plants I was looking at starting with a Java Fern. For lighting I was looking at a T8 or T12 For substrate I was looking at soil and sand on top of that maybe? And I don’t understand the CO2 thing and if there is something I have to feed the plants daily for something.
Okay. I have a penguin filter from my last tank. I can put a sponge on the intake. For plants I was looking at starting with a Java Fern. For lighting I was looking at a T8 or T12 For substrate I was looking at soil and sand on top of that maybe? And I don’t understand the CO2 thing and if there is something I have to feed the plants daily for something.

Look at an incandescent hood and instal 2 x 13 watt "cool white" compact florescent bulbs. That will be good for medium light, no need for CO2.

2 x T8 or T12 bulbs should also be good for low/medium light.

Check out an all in one fertilizer such as thrive.
Check into a carbon source such as Flourish Excel or Metricide 14
That filter will work, no need for a sponge over the intake.

Java fern is good, look at anubias, buce, rotala, ludwigia, sagiterria, helanthium and smaller crypts.
That all sounds good. Don't worry about Co2. Co2 just makes plants grow faster Imo. But you will need some fertilizer. I like the sachem flourish tabs. Good stuff. But Java ferns you'll probably need a liquid fert. Sachem Excel I hear is pretty good. I don't know much about the liquids.
So I should get Seachem Flourish Excel dose Once a week when I have plants. And for fertilizer I was just gonna use some regular plant fertilizer and put sand on top of it.
What fertilizer does everyone recommend? Should I use dry or liquid? I was thinking dry?
Dry is cheaper in the long run.

You'll need:

Look into pps pro dosing.

Or, look into Thrive all in one fertilizer.

For carbon use Flourish excel DAILY not weekly.
And for plants I was thinking Java Fern and Java Moss
I’m probably gonna use dry fertilizer. Any specific brands of dry fertilizer or can I get some from Lowe’s or something?
If you look up the plants you want your see what they like. Mine love iron like more plants. So I have sachem iron on hand but I haven't had to use it yet. Plus I gave eco complete for the bottom. So that could play a big part my on set up. I've used the seachem ferts tabs on some plants and see with in a few days I have lots of new growth.
For substrate I was thinking CaribSea Eco Complete Black Planted Substrate. Is this good? I’ve seen good reviews for it.
For substrate I was thinking CaribSea Eco Complete Black Planted Substrate. Is this good? I’ve seen good reviews for it.
I like it. Some people on here say different about it. That it's over priced and you can just us something like dirt, and sand for cheaper. But,Imo you don't have to do much. I don't have anything on top of it. Just the eco complete. That way all the waste will fertilize through the substrate better and get to the plants. Imo, putting sand or gravel on top of it slows the process down and just makes the bottom off-the-wall tank look dirty. With the eco complete you won't have to vacuum the bottom and cuts water changes in half by far. Just make sure you still test your water in case there's too much build up. With a Betta in a 10gallon think it will be perfect little set up with that substrate. I'd get some low light plants and some floating plants. With good lighting. Do your weekly water changes. And put a fert tab around the plants that would need it more. Easy!
Okay so here is what I need to buy, livestock, and what I have.

Planted Tank stuff to buy
- Seachem Flourish Excel
- T8 or T12 lights
- Sponge for filter intake
- Thrive Liquid Fertilizer
- CaribSea Eco Complete Black Planted Substrate

- Java Fern
- Java Moss
- Male Betta

Stuff I have
- Penguin Filter
- Heater
- Test Kit
- Prime, Solution etc.
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