Recent content by 54seaweed

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  1. 54seaweed

    In Memorium

    I am sorry to announce that 54seaweed (John) is no longer with us. He peacefully passed away Sunday, September 2. I am his daughter, Ashley. My stepmother and I are very heartbroken and would like his memory to be looked upon with love and laughter. He was very much a funny and kind soul who...
  2. 54seaweed

    Post your full tank shot here.

    have you tried opening a asecond account
  3. 54seaweed

    No3 issues

    new sand and rock hold silicates it's basically a waiting game for it to run its natural course , High flow constant blowing off the rocks along with water changes will help speed process , I also found running fingers through sand on a daily basis helps release those silicates faster , I did...
  4. 54seaweed

    Bubbles on my rocks

    Bubbles on rocks, there are 2 types bubble algae so not to be confused air/gas bubbles are usually found on rock and sand in new tanks releasing silicates promoting cayno , but can also be found in mature tanks after adding new items such as coral or rock (best remedy flow) a turkey baster...
  5. 54seaweed

    46 Gallon Bowfront Stocking

    it's always good to hear about starting back up . As you always have that extra boost wanting to do what you achieved your first round just better . brings back that fun feeling as you build that special creation. you said you have a 42g bow front I always loved bow front tanks nice choice for...
  6. 54seaweed

    Is my tank over stocked? Or can i get a pleco, if yes, which kind would you suggest?

    since I agree your a bit over stocked and pleco's are hard poopers I would remove the pleco for water quality purpose since you have limited access to fresh water , should lighten the load enough so you don;t need to struggle between water change .
  7. 54seaweed

    Using a tank that had frogs

    as long as the tank was thoroughly cleaned and sanitized I don't see any reason why not
  8. 54seaweed

    1500g tank trouble cycling

    very good question brook . :thumb: I never even thought under gravel as they are so obsolete in the SW hobby . we would need to wait on someone from that era:whistle: lol to give us that answer . since you want no rock in the main tank you could build a large sump with no baffles fill that...
  9. 54seaweed

    Green algae

    I agree adding additives is not a good thing they always come with issues down the line. water changes do you use RO/DI water , I see you said you move different waters please clarify.', with the amount of phosphates added daily with feedings 10% water changes really don't even cut the edge...
  10. 54seaweed

    My new tank

    like it was said already add more hiding places will help the platy find refuge till things chill out. from the sounds of it the beta is showing who's turf it is. once they get things get figured out things should settle down , the beta should have been added last so it had no claims on...
  11. 54seaweed

    1500g tank trouble cycling

    yes saltwater will kill freshwater bacteria as it is different , first remember you need about a lb of rock per gal . best way to start is with a few deli shrimp in a sock or stocking this will start your ammonia source quicker, remember be patient as your tank is large it may take longer to...
  12. 54seaweed

    Magnetic algae cleaner

    I have a mag float the magnet is super strong god only knows how many times almost got fingers squished , when putting on the glass keep them away from each-other so they don't smash together about 6 inch than slowly glide them over each other
  13. 54seaweed

    My clownfish need somewhere to sleep

    build some caves within the rock they'll find it and settle in . clowns don;t need nems or coral to host a hole in a rock is just fine
  14. 54seaweed

    Am I dealing with coralline algae?

    actually it looks like red slim IMO cayno is more on the brownish orange side
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