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My Tanks
I have two tanks. It started out as one, but grew to two as I didn't realise that the guppies I had bought were already pregnant!

The fish store where I had purchased my fish from had only females. I didn't think that this was a problem. But a few weeks later my guppies, which there were only two at the time, pumped out another ten or so babies in the period of 2 months.

In the new batch I had a couple of male guppies, and I couldn't bring myself to give them away, so I bought a new tank to separate the boys from the girls. However this didn't put a stop to the babies as a few weeks later super-mum guppy gave birth to sixty babies in one go.

So now I have one male tank, which contains three male guppies, one platy, a gourami and two algae eaters and a female tank which contains about six full grown females with an unknown amount of babies as they just can't stop reproducing. In this tank I also have five tetra-neons and an algae eater.
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