Recent content by Aindrea

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  1. A

    Gouramis dead, worried about the rest

    This tank has been established for over 2 years, so I'm pretty sure it is well cycled. When I said I replaced the filter system, I meant just that. I didn't change anything else in the tank at that time. I figured that would be no different than changing a filter cartridge.
  2. A

    Gouramis dead, worried about the rest

    I hadn't added any fish for almost a month. And I know how inaccurate the test strips are, hence why I don't trust them. But they do give an idea of what is going on and I regrettably was not testing very often. All of the fish that died, except for the danio were darker, their markings were...
  3. A

    Gouramis dead, worried about the rest

    1) I will be getting a proper testing kit as soon as I can, but I don't feel it is an emergency as there are no fish in that tank anymore; I thought I made that clear. 2) Everyone was getting along fine until this week. We never had issues with any of the gouramis picking on each other...
  4. A

    Gouramis dead, worried about the rest

    I had a giant danio, two gold gouramis, two blue gouramis, an white gourami, two flame dwarf gouramis, two blue dwarf gouramis, and a dwarf pleco in a 45 gallon tank. One of the blue gouramis died and I didn't know it until the giant danio died. I did a water (about 10% RO water plus Start...
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