Recent content by Angie1727

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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
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    Betta Fish help

    It came with the tank. I set up the tank, cleaned the water, then turned on the filter for a few hours before putting the Betta in the new tank. He didn't like it right away so I turned it off. Before that tank he was in a smaller one gallon that I got him in from the party without a filter. He...
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    Betta Fish help

    It's just an aqua-tech 5-15 power filter.. I'm not quite sure about your other question.. Sorry I'm new to this..
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    Betta Fish help

    Yes I do.. It's off right now because he didn't like it and was having trouble swimming around it.
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    Betta Fish help

    I moved him into a 5 gallon tank
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    Betta Fish help

    Hi, I think my betta fish might be sick and I was hoping someone might be able to help me so I can figure out what route to take. His name is Little Ike. I got him at a party (he was part of the centerpiece at a table) about a week or so ago and so I'm not sure where he came from or anything and...
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