Recent content by anna0219

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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
  1. A

    Betta with distorted mouth... HITH or tumor?

    Hello everyone, I have a very mysterious ailment appearing on one of my female bettas. I have had her for almost eight months now, and she lives in a 5.5 gallon tank with two other female bettas. They are divided because as they aged, they became less and less agreeable with each other. My...
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    strange growth on female betta - help!

    Update: After doing some research of my own, I'm thinking it might be a fungus related to an injury from the fight with the other betta. But would this be possible if it began as a lump that seemed to be the same color as the fish? I guess that could have just been torn scales or something...
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    strange growth on female betta - help!

    Hello all, So I've noticed over the past week or so that aquaneesha, one of my three female bettas, has developed a strange lump of some sort on what I would describe as her "chin." I don't know if I could successfully photograph it, so I will just try to describe it. It's fairly large for...
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    Ich on a gourami - advice needed!

    Thank you for all the advice! So far we have had the temp up around like 83-84 since Sunday, and we have medicated/treated the water. The gourami did not make it, but so far he is our only casuality and some of the other fish began to show spots of ich later in the day after I originally...
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    Ich on a gourami - advice needed!

    Hello all, I am posting this on behalf of my dad, who has a 30 gallon community. Currently there are only about a dozen fish in the tank, and this morning we noticed that the gourami has some spots of ich on one side. So far, none of the other fish seem to show any signs of it anywhere...
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    female betta hierarchy problem

    okay, thanks for the advice. Yeah, I might consider getting them a slightly bigger tank, although I have to say, I've been spending a lot of time camping out watching them and they don't seem to be fighting anymore. I have one plastic plant in the tank with them that I was worried might snag...
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    female betta hierarchy problem

    Hello - a couple months ago I got three female bettas for a little betta sorority. I have them in a 5-gallon tank, and since I bought them they have grown and flourished into beautiful girls. They seem to be really happy and comfortable in their home. However, I had one that was being picked...
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    Female Bettas

    Wow, I want thirteen too! Haha. That is really awesome. I bet they are all such pretty colors! :)
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    Female Bettas

    Well I am no fish expert, but I can give you a specific case-study style of an example when it comes to female bettas. I had a male betta for a while and he died several weeks ago, so I replaced him with a new tank with a "betta sorority." I have a 5.5 gallon, so I was limited to only three...
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    Post your full tank shot here.

    Hahaha, that's funny. And I thought my fish were silly for reacting to their own reflection! The divider works great. I used that plastic mesh you suggested from Wal-Mart - it works like a charm. Once in a while they remember that there is more of the tank on the other side and try to get...
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    Post your full tank shot here.

    Thanks! I have to admit, I've only had them about three weeks or so, but their colors are already intensifying. :)
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    Post your full tank shot here.

    My new 5.5 gallon betta sorority! So this won't be quite as impressive as the green beauty of a tank above this, but I have finally got my first-ever tank put together in a way that I want to share on here! I think it looks pretty good. I have three girls in it, but I had to put in a divider...
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    Jumping in with a 5.5 gallon... advice needed on fish!

    okay, sounds great! I will check into that.
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    Jumping in with a 5.5 gallon... advice needed on fish!

    haha oh my gosh, those are some interesting stories! yeah, since i started this thread a couple weeks ago, i ended up getting a tetra whisper filter that works great with my bettas (the current was a little strong but my lovely boyfriend helped me rig a natural art sponge on the outflow and now...
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    Hello everybody!

    Thanks to you all! :)
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