Recent content by AnotherUser

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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
  1. A

    Cycling Issues ~Please Help~

    Thanks to the both of you, I was really starting to worry about if I was doing something wrong. Some additional details -PH is around 7.6 -Added a few decorations from an established betta tank, half a cup of gravel, and some water with that. (Betta tank from when I didn't know what cycling...
  2. A

    Cycling Issues ~Please Help~

    Hello. I'm new to the forums, but have seen many topics and discussions about cycling. Currently the cycling of my tank is having issues so I'm just going to give you my specs. -FW -36 Gallon Tank with Heater and HOB filter -Water Temperature is 76-77 degrees -Fish added 22 days ago...
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