Recent content by AquaMario

The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an interest in aquariums or fish keeping!
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  1. AquaMario

    neon tetras???

    Okay thanks
  2. AquaMario

    neon tetras???

    No one I just wanted to make sure they weren't...
  3. AquaMario

    neon tetras???

    Neon tetras and glow light tetras in different tanks of course. I'm good at fish keeping and I wanted smaller fish and my friend told me about neon tetras. Both tanks have been running for two weeks and I'm not adding fish until next mounth.. and the neon tetra tank is 55 gallons ill add a few...
  4. AquaMario

    neon tetras???

    Are neon tetras fresh water fish or salt water?
  5. AquaMario

    55 Gallon

    I go to PETCO. They have pretty good stuff. I'll have my 55 gallon in two months... :)
  6. AquaMario

    55 Gallon

    I thought about getting those do you know how much they are? The pellets you put at the plant roots?
  7. AquaMario

    55 Gallon

    My friend said to use thread because it Bio degrades and it stays on good.
  8. AquaMario

    55 Gallon

    Those plants look pretty good. I was thinking about getting small plants and maybe a piece of drift wood with Java moss on it...
  9. AquaMario

    55 Gallon

    Do you have any suggestions for sand?? I heard pool sand is better but I don't know what kind to get?
  10. AquaMario

    55 Gallon

    Thanks I have a 30 gallon but I want a planted 55 gallon..
  11. AquaMario

    55 Gallon

    Hi this is my first post and I was wanting to see if the 55 gallon from Walmart is a good one to buy? I've had aquariums before and I just needed someone else's opinion.. I'd appreciate feedback... Thanks
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