
The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an interest in aquariums or fish keeping!
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Professional artist and art instructor, passionate progressive.

gardening, dogs, aquariums
Madison, WI
artist and art instructor
My Tanks
29 g cold water tank with a sarasa comet and six white cloud mountain minnows. Plastic plants, java moss, wisteria, and floating hornwort. Aqueon QuietFlow 30 HOB. FloraMax T8 single bulb fixture.

20H, planted with anubias, java fern, java moss, Amazon sword, crypts, wisteria. Stocked with amano and cherry shrimp, glowlight tetras, otos, honey gourami, single male platy. Aqua Clear 30 HOB and extra surface agitation. No CO2 system; Excel only. ZooMed AquaSun T5HO dual light.

55 gallon, planted with Amazon swords, java fern, java moss, wisteria, jungle val, Alternanthera reineckii, anubias, crypts, nymphaea, marsilea minuta. Stock: 2 Siamese algae eaters, neon tetras, harlequin rasboras, platys, 1 male pearl gourami. AquaClear 70 and AquaClear 20 filters. No CO2 system; Excel only. T5HO light from Cataline Aquarium (three different 55 watt)

20H, low-light with anubias, java moss, wisteria. Stock: 4 albino corys. Hope to introduce male betta. Tetra Whisper 20 and internal sponge filt


75 g planted community, 20 g planted betta/nano fish, 55 g cold water


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