Recent content by atb224155

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  1. atb224155

    Betta vs corydora panda

    Sounds like over crowding is going on. I would separate the fish all together, get the ich under control, then start the process of moving some fish back in. For the time being, keep the betta out of the with other fish in your group until the issues are resolved.
  2. atb224155

    Wanted: Can someone sell me a NON pregnant guppy

    Try Aquabid...Might find some guppies who are not pregnant
  3. atb224155

    Leaving for a week

    Your fish will be fine for a week. As for a month, feeders are a no-no. If you have a pet sitter who has knowledge on aquatic life, then hire them to watch your fish for a month.
  4. atb224155

    Betta Compatability?

    Here's a link with answers to your compatibility question: Betta Fish | Compatibility With Other Fish Chart.
  5. atb224155


    This guy is new to me...But his face looks like the dogs with the smashed in face.
  6. atb224155

    Started to feed frozen blood worm and now fish is sick.

    I only feed two freeze worms to my betta fish. While she does love them, it's not the only food that she gets.
  7. atb224155

    What kind of fish is this?

    Can you post a more clearer picture of the fish? It's hard to identify him from where he is at the moment. Try side to side pictures.
  8. atb224155

    What Made You Want A Freshwater Aquarium?

    For me, I babysat a betta fish 2wice for a friend-of-the-family and adopted a betta fish from the shelter while doing a job assessment.
  9. atb224155

    Is green algae bad?

    Here's the answer for your green algae: Blue-Green, also known as Slime or Smear algae – Caused by excesses of nitrates and phosphates, this is actually not an algae at all. Instead it is a cyanobacteria. It can spread rapidly, and can cause considerable damage. Good water care will help...
  10. atb224155

    What kind of fish to get that are easy keepers?

    I know, bettaowner. I sometimes add the s at times.
  11. atb224155

    What kind of fish to get that are easy keepers?

    You can do betta fish...As long as algae is checked, bettas would be perfect in a 90 galleon tank.
  12. atb224155

    Betta+Breeding question

    I have these 2 bettas: shorty and michonne. Should I breed them or should I wait until I get another selection to do the breeding?
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