Recent content by aussiealex

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  1. A

    Accu-clear overdose please help!

    Hey Andy! Just another little one, we’ve had zero ammonia and nitrite now since our last discussion almost a month go which is amazzzing! But I don’t quite understand what nirate is? This is the only one that hasn’t dropped, does this just take the most time? Is it bad for it to sit between 5-10...
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    Accu-clear overdose please help!

    Hey Andy! Great news, my ammonia has been at 0 for 4 days straight and my nitrite is down to 0.25ppm but for some reason my pH has stayed high this whole time, I’ve got it down to 7.6ppm (using pH down) but is this a major concern like ammonia/nitrite poisoning? I did some research and it looks...
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    Accu-clear overdose please help!

    Ohhhh okay yes I will do a test of our tap water to make sure! We panicked last night and moved the fish over (along with the old filter, plants and decorations) to the big tank because I thought the readings in the big tank were healthier than the small tank and the fish have actually been...
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    Accu-clear overdose please help!

    You’re AMAZING! I can’t thank you enough for your help, wow you have been doing this for a while then! You must have must have some seriously impressive fish tanks. Thank you again for taking the time to explain this and making sure we have the correct knowledge and understanding! We’ve been...
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    Accu-clear overdose please help!

    WOW! I actually feel like I understood everything you said, you explained that SO well thank you! It’s crazy you go to a fish store and they say cycle your tank for 2-3 weeks and then just add fish.. I definitely understand the fish in cycle more so I’m going to try this! With our other tank...
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    Accu-clear overdose please help!

    Oh wow that’s so interesting!! I didn’t realise you should empty so much water before adding fish after having it cycled for a few weeks, but that’s great advice!! So maybe I’ll do the 90% today, add prime and then add some fish tomorrow to start the fish in cycle? When you ask plans do you...
  7. A

    Accu-clear overdose please help!

    Thank you so much for your help this is awesome!! Can I begin with the cycle without fish and then add a small amount of fish after say 2 weeks and continue with the ‘fish in cycle guide’, or if you choose to cycle without fish you have to see that cycle through and vise versa?
  8. A

    Accu-clear overdose please help!

    How big of a water change? Yeah I didn’t think it would help either but that’s just the advice we were given from the aquarium store. We’ve had our ammonia spike already so just waiting for the nitrite to balance out before adding fish. I’m new to this but doing lots of research so I think I...
  9. A

    Accu-clear overdose please help!

    We have been cycling a new tank (200L) for a week and a half now and were told by our local aquarium shop to add quick start daily to help it along. Woke up this morning and my bf accidentally picked up the Accu-clear and added 50mL in… (a. This is why I look after the chemicals and b...
  10. A

    Filter Advice - Aqua One Maxi 104f

    Yes sorry forgot to say I’d seen the video :) but ah you’re amazing, thank you so much for your help and taking the time to provide that information!! Definitely given me so much more to go on and also to continue researching. It’s so hard to know where to start when learning from scratch so...
  11. A

    Filter Advice - Aqua One Maxi 104f

    Thank you so much for your reply! You make some awesome points. Do you usually want a slower flow in a tank or is that something I will figure out once the tank is full of water? I’ve seen a few reviews saying this filter is super strong and sometimes blows plants/fish around. Also you’re...
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    Filter Advice - Aqua One Maxi 104f

    Hey there! New to the aquarium life and upgrading from my first tank (28L) to a bigger one (180L). Just purchased the Aqua One Maxi 104f filter and after some research have seen people recommending to upgrade the foam/filter system (because it comes only with 1 piece of course foam per chamber)...
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