
The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an interest in aquariums or fish keeping!
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
34, mom, student of education

reading, amphibians, kids
alameda, ca
preschool teacher
My Tanks
my home tank: 29 gallon plexiglass elongated octagon. currently home for two itchy fantail goldfish and a bunch of live plants. at work (my classroom): two leopard geckos [20 gallon long], 2 cornsnakes [18"x18"x36" reptile enclosure, 2 fire belly toads [35 gal. tank], 1 bearded dragon [2'x2'x4' enclosure], 1 russian box tortoise [18"x18"x36" tank], 3 goldfish+ 1 chinese algae eater (small & inefficient) [20 gal tall], 1 red eared slider [2'x2'x4']. In another classroom we have a 100 gallon tank with live plants and goldfish. major problem stabilizing this tank, but right now i want to know what to do to help MY itchy fish at home.
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