Recent content by Billiejean

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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
  1. Billiejean

    Another to ID please??

    Thank you all
  2. Billiejean

    Another to ID please??

    Anyone know what this is called? Thank you in advance!!
  3. Billiejean

    ID this?

    LaWoWe, that is pretty neat looking
  4. Billiejean

    ID this?

    Thank you
  5. Billiejean

    ID this?

    Have this that showed up and has split into two now!! Anyone know what it is? TIA
  6. Billiejean

    ID this?

    Oh I don't know they resemble the majano too hmm should I just get rid of it to be safe??
  7. Billiejean

    ID this?

    Ok after googling it resembles the pseudocorynactis
  8. Billiejean

    ID this?

    So majano good or bad? It's showing up every where and pretty sure I just spotted aiptasia growing too
  9. Billiejean

    ID this?

    Anyone help with ID on this? Starting to show up around my tank! TIA
  10. Billiejean

    Whats this?

    I thought so but the hole in center threw me off! Thank you
  11. Billiejean

    Whats this?

    Two of the white sponge looking things showed up on my lr, they have holes in center but I've never seen anything come out of them! Thanks for any help!!
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