Recent content by Blackwolf

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  1. B


    Well he finally came out of the dragon after I tipped it over. I also put air tubing in the dragon's mouth so they can't get back in there.
  2. B


    Will do :)
  3. B


    LOL Yeah mine just hide in the bushes all day until the lights go off. Thanks for the advice!
  4. B


    He just went in there tonight. Should I wait at least a day or so before taking the dragon out of the tank? I don't think fish die that fast if they're stuck do they?
  5. B


    I have just recently redecorated my tank and I have a Chinese dragon bubbler in the tank. Well both of my clown loaches decided to swim into the mouth of the dragon and I think one might be stuck in there because I only see one of them in the tank. I tried lifting the dragon out of the tank to...
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