Recent content by Blondage2001

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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
  1. B

    Worms! :,(

    Thank you! No more hose!! And lots more work but hopefully all this new information helps! � �
  2. B

    Worms! :,(

    Unfortunately, turtles don't eat larvae. Sadly having thousands of worms in multiple tanks ... Larvae or not, is disgusting and I find nothing positive about my situation :'(
  3. B

    Worms! :,(

    I use water straight from the tap. Often my husband helps and he brings the hose in from outside to fill the turtle tank. He is a plumber and says it's the same water that comes in the tap. If it is determined to be flying insect. How do I stop this ?
  4. B

    Worms! :,(

    Even more confused Thank you very much for your link and sharing the information. But I'm not sure it helps much �� As I said I have done just about everything under the sun to rid my home of whatever is infesting my tanks. I have been an aquarium hobbyist for 20 years now. I...
  5. B

    Worms! :,(

    I have been dealing with this problem for over a year now and at this point I just want to get rid of all of my tanks. I have researched this topic hours at a time and they appear to be Planaria however .... I'm a very experienced hobbyist. I have had tanks for more than 20 years and never...
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