
The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an interest in aquariums or fish keeping!
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
I love my fish tank, my firearms, and my cat...I occasionally dabble in photography.
Dallas, TX
Software Consultant
My Tanks
I have a 56 gal (30"x18"x24") tank that I'm currently rebuilding:
Right now I have a 2" layer of Miracle Grow Organics Potting Soil and a layer of pea gravel from Lowe's that ramps up to the back (about 1.5" in front and ~5" in back).

I have some Texas Holey Rock that I will eventually surround with various plants and fish (currently I just have some tetra's helping establish the bacteria).

Equipment Setup:
Fluval 306 (mechanical, bio, carbon, phosphate)
Water Heater set to 79
PH Controller (set to 6.9)
Milwaukee Regulator on CO2
Ceramic Diffuser
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