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Feb 20, 1964 (Age: 60)
My Tanks
I have a 30 gallon mini reef take currently, was not sure if I could maintain a salt water tank, I have always had fresh water. The tank is into its 3rd month and is very healthy. I have a magnum canister filter, a marineland 300 bio-wheel hang on filter, as well as a red sea protien skimmer. I also have a 60-90 gal power head for extra water movement. I have a current compact light with 2x96 bulbs and 5 lunars. Live sand and about 25 pounds of live rock mixture of figi and other. My livestock includes a false percula, maroon percula, figi tomato clown, scooter blenny, and a cleaner shrimp. I have cleaner crews that include blue legged hermits 10, astraea snails 5, nassarius snails 15 to 20. I also have a pink tipped anenome and a condy. I am very happy with my tank but now I want to move to either a 75 or 90.
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