Recent content by Charmaine

The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an interest in aquariums or fish keeping!
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
  1. C


    Thank you for your reply. I wish they had told me that at the pet store. They knew my tank size. I can't get a bigger tank at the moment, but will in the future
  2. C


    45 litres
  3. C


    Thank you for your reply. I have one male for 3 females. He only chase and pick on one poor female.
  4. C


    Thank you so much for your reply. I love my fish and I don't want any of them to be stressed. I have one male and 3 females. My male seem to just pick on the one female. She is the only one that is hiding.
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    I have a male sword tail that is bullying all the female sword tails to the point that they hide. Could I temporary put him in a fish bowl? I have no other filter or air pump, but will get in the future. I just want a solution for now
  6. C

    What am I doing wrong?

    I am completely new in keeping fish. I bought a tank and cycled it for over a month then I got 4 Neon Sword tails. 2 weeks after I bought them, one got a anchor worm and died and now a few days later my other male is dying. He doesn't have anchor worm, he just stopped swimming. I do water...
  7. C

    Confused about my sword tail

    Thank you so much for your answer. I put meds in my tank. Hope to save my fish
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    Confused about my sword tail

    Can anyone tell me why that is growing out of my female's tail? Is she sick?
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    Is this normal?

    Thank you so much. I have been cycling for more than a month and I want to get some fish tomorrow. I have taken the filter apart and cleaned it, but it still make those bubbles and yes it is air.
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    Is this normal?

    So that won't hurt fish when I get some?
  11. C

    Is this normal?

    I am cycling my tank and I think my filter makes too many bubbles (micro bubbles). Any advice?
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    Types of fish

    Hi. I recently bought a 45 litre tank and I cycled it for 2 weeks now. I want to know what kind of fish I could put in. I want to put cold water fish But heard my tank is too small for goldfish.
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