Recent content by Chickzyj

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  1. Chickzyj

    Baby snails in tank, no new plants?

    Well I already have two adult nerite snails. I don't think I want any more than that in my little aquarium, otherwise I would keep the baby snails. I've read a lot of posts online about the snails being a nuisance and breeding like rabbits. I'm really scared that's going to happen. Thank you for...
  2. Chickzyj

    Baby snails in tank, no new plants?

    Oh no! How can I make sure they're no longer in my tank? I got out all of the ones I could see. They're so tiny! There were 5 of them in there so far! I've taken out all decor and live plants and I vacuumed the gravel. I think I saw eggs on the cholla wood in my tank. They were tiny little white...
  3. Chickzyj

    Baby snails in tank, no new plants?

    Hi all! I'm new to this forum site but I need some answers about snails in my freshwater betta tank. I woke up this morning to find 4 baby snails in my tank. I thought they were baby Nerite snails but apparently nerite snail babies won't hatch in freshwater. I don't think I have brackish water...
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