Recent content by Chunk12

The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an interest in aquariums or fish keeping!
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  1. C

    Beginner stock opinion/help

    I plugged all the info in. It gave me tips on the certain fish and I changed a few options and got a nice stock. Right at fully stocked. On the decoration topic though, what substrate should I use? And should it be a rocky type decoration or plant like? I'm not sure if any of those fish would...
  2. C

    Beginner stock opinion/help

    Thank you. I will try that out
  3. C

    Beginner stock opinion/help

    Im starting a new aquarium. I have done plenty of research on filters, heaters, lighting, cycling etc. during my research a read a guys idea on wat he is stocking his 29 gal tank with. Which is the tank I will be stocking. 6 neon tetras 6 zebra danios 1 koi swordtail 3 gold dust mollies 3...
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