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  1. C

    David vs. the annoying Snails

    I am assuming this is your 12 gln. tank? If so, then I don't know of any other fish you can put in there to eat your snails as the tank is just too small. I don't believe in ever using chemicals to treat anything in my tanks unless it's a very last resort. My suggestion is to just keep at...
  2. C

    tank cover

    Almost any fish can jump out of an uncovered tank. If you don't want/or can't afford a cover I would suggest keeping the water line two or so inches below the top of the tank - just to make sure your fish are safe.
  3. C

    I'm about to go crazy!

    I don't know for sure but in my 10 gln. tank when the water falls three inches I have the white haze. When I add water you can't see the white haze but the glass isn't as clear to see through either. If it were more than just the top three inches it would really bug me. Here is a site to...
  4. C

    Loach suicide

    I'm so sorry. A suggestion for the hole that he jumped from: wash out a plastic milk jug, cut it oversized to fit the hole; it makes for a great 'lid' for those small spots.
  5. C

    loaches= deep 6

    Maybe I missed it but what size tank are these fish in? What type of loaches? If they are Clown loaches they need to be in a very large tank (minimum 120 gln. as they mature) as do Bala sharks since they are so high-strung and get large also. Both of those also need to be in shoals of at...
  6. C

    Betta bit off snails antennae

    Yes, he can survive and probably will be just fine. I've heard of other Bettas doing the same thing so it's not abnormal behavior either. Some people have said that their snails learn real quick to pull in when the Betta comes too close.
  7. C

    Juli Cory Questions

    Cories like to be in schools of four, five or more (if possible). Some people say their different types of Cories won't shoal together - some people say will. I have three different types of Cories in my tank and they do stay pretty close together. I would try not to have just one of a...
  8. C

    55 gal log -- UPDATED 3/2/07 WITH LOTS O PICS

    I too love the tank. It looks very homey for the fish. I would love to have a Queen Arabesque - maybe someday. Just info: Clown Loaches should be in shoals of at least three and need a minimum 120 gln. tank as they grow. Black Ghost Knifes also need a minimum 120 gln. tank as they can...
  9. C

    Fiddeler crabs?

    I too like Fiddler crabs but upon researching them found out that they don't belong in any freshwater tank. They need some salt to survive and they need access to dry land. They can live for a while (even a few months) in a total freshwater set up but it is cruel and unusual punishment for...
  10. C

    ice storm coming!!

    Farmgirl - Here in Colorado we've had 80+ inches of snow in the last three weeks!! Very unusual for this area (not in the mountains, we're on the plains). We have often been snowed in for up to five days at a time and have lost power for up to three days. However, we have a generator (we...
  11. C

    Apple snail killer??

    I too lost our Apple snail mysteriously. I don't use anything with copper so I know that wasn't it for me. I did, however, have a huge spike in phosphates (we are on well water and sometimes that happens) the week that she died. I am curious if that is what killed her?
  12. C

    well water

    I also am a farm girl with well water for my tanks. The only issue I've had to deal with thus far (in my first year of fishkeeping) is having my phosphate level rise at various times. Sometimes the water is just fine and sometimes it is off the charts with phosphate. I have never had an...
  13. C

    New Hobby

    For the fish you currently have I would suggest something over 200 gln. if they are going to share the same tank. Could you dedicate the 55 gln. to the Silver Dollar and add five or six more to make a shoal? Then you could possibly get a 180 gln. tank for the remaining fish. Just for...
  14. C

    EI in a planted community tank: A NEWB's quest for answers

    Just a comment from the fish's perspective: You are doing such a great job researching first that I'm sure you will also research the fish you bring home. Make sure they fit your tank size (Clown loaches do not by the way - they need a minimum 120 gln. tank) and that all fish are compatible...
  15. C

    VERY hard water

    I agree completely that your test kit is most likely too old to be completely accurate. I also have well water and it is very hard. Thus far I've kept multiples of fish that are supposed to only survive well in soft water (Angels, Cardinal tetras). I too believe that keeping the water quality...
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