Recent content by Cococalm

The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an interest in aquariums or fish keeping!
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
  1. C

    How to prevent a tank crash .... HELP

    Hello all, My CO2 equipment arrived today finally. I want to connect it all up early next week but am scared out of my wits about it after I had a nitrite spike in my other tank when adding a CO2 set-up ( Söchting Carbonator). Current water values are as shown by the attached image. At the...
  2. C

    What Made You Want A Freshwater Aquarium?

    Hello all, I grew up in South Africa. We had a family fish tank from when I was about 6 or 7.... way back in the early 70's. We live out in the sticks so almost never got to the pet shop except the few times my dad went to get stuff for the tank, It was almost a religious event .... the...
  3. C

    Nitrite spike after adding CO2

    Hello and thank you for your reply. This weekend I did the customary water top-up/change. In this case, just a top-up was required because values were good and the top-up was with rain water only. I did not do a change because of the fact that there is population. However, the top up was...
  4. C

    Nitrite spike after adding CO2

    Hello all. My established but redone 130 lit had a massive nitrite spike last night. Since installing my new Trigon 190 and transferring all my fish and inverts to this tank, I decided to redo the 130 lit. Redo = replant and change the decor ... added driftwood. To do this I emptied...
  5. C

    GH too high

    GH too high, progress Hello all. I thought I would update you all on whats been happening with this new set up. A month has passed and the tank has cycled. I have added the fish and they have now been residing in it for a week. I have had no deaths so far. My last 2 water changes were...
  6. C

    Sand Fall

    Here is a great channel on YouTube for DIY projects for aquariums. I hope this may be useful ....
  7. C

    LED light project - Planted tank

    Thank you for the input. I really appreciate it. I have been looking and and trying to cost out such a light as opposed to purchassing a ready made one. I am not an electrician but am willing to turn my hand where possible and if not too complicated. I am on a tight budget which is why I...
  8. C

    What shrimp is this ?

    Indeed Thanks, yes, indeed, I have learned this from several sources already. I am not too concerned at thism time about breeding though ... just do not have the space. perhaps later.
  9. C

    What shrimp is this ?

    It may also be pertinent to mention that the top (brown) one is berried.
  10. C

    What shrimp is this ?

    I have always thought the brown shrimp in photo to be an Amano Shrimp. But when I compare her to the other shrimps in the tank (second pic), she is very different. I am assuming the others are Amano's as they were sold to me as such. Thanking you for your help.
  11. C

    Glass / Acrylic

    Curious question : Can one make an aquarium using Acrylic for some parts and Glass for the front ? My Idea would be to have the bottom, the back and sides out of acrylic and the front out of Glass. Question of price. All Glass would cost CHF 700 / 650 EURO. Acrylic would only be 200 EURO...
  12. C

    LED light project - Planted tank

    I have a new project I want to attempt. I have never made LED lighting for an aquarium. I have always contented myself with T8 or T5 tubes - usually preinstalled in existing lids. So, I am getting 2 x 220 lit aquariums. I'm guessing around 1m in length 45cm deep and 50cm high. Neither have...
  13. C

    Need an ID on a fish please

    Please look at the pic and tell me what fish this is. I have had her about a year as at the time I had 2. But the partner died suddenly. I think it is a Splash Tetra ( Copella Arnoldi ). I have 2 in my tank and I think this one may be a female because the other one has a longer tail and...
  14. C

    GH too high

    To Bookster 123 : Tank 180 lit Jewel Trigon corner tank. Tank type : Planted, aquascape. Fish : Amazonian varieties - Neons, Lemon tets, Flame tets, Splash tets, Rams, Copper tets, Rummy nose, Corys. Inverts : Shrimps (Neocaridina) and Nerine snails (Livestock is not yet in the...
  15. C

    GH too high

    Thank you for the info. I am really keen on trying Sphagnum moss, I collected some today for the PH, but learning that it can have an effect on GH, I am even more keen. Attached is the reading after a 30% water change. PH is 7.4. But GH is still greater than 21(deg)dGH. Nitrite is a tad...
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