Recent content by DannWunderlich

The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an interest in aquariums or fish keeping!
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
  1. D

    55 gallon community/ south american ciclid tank. Aquascape ideas?

    Last time i posted here I was asking what the green stuff on the side of my 10 gallon guppy tank was! Ive come a long way. This is my 55 gallon community/ south american ciclid tank. it is only like 3 weeks old so let me know how i am doing. Aquascaping ideas are VERY welcome. Ill upload...
  2. D

    Planted Aquarium For My Dorm- PLEASE ASSIST

    haha my dorm only allowed 10 gallons so i did a ten gallon first semester then switched to a 29 over winter break. if you make it pretty enough they will let you keep it!
  3. D

    Male Betta Companions

    ya, I agree with you. I was just making sure. It is a simple 10 gallon I set-up for my girlfriend, simple HOB filter/heater. thanks.
  4. D

    Male Betta Companions

    What will go well with a male betta. He has lived alone his whole life but I would like to try and start a community tank. Would it go well with 2 bigger goldfish?
  5. D

    Peacock Eels

    I have had my peacock eel for about a month and well, sometimes i honestly forget that I have one. Ill see it MAYBE once a week when I am messing with my plants. Somehow they stay alive, ive never seen them eat. -Dann
  6. D

    Metro St. Louis area users

    columbia, mo
  7. D

    LFS in Central Missouri

    Columbia, MO Columbia Pet Center has amazing staff and a great selection. They have like a triple gabillion filteration system - I rarely quarantine the fish that i get from them. Plants and freshies
  8. D

    Ok so which mini cichlid?

    i have about 7 neons and 2 midsize angels in my 29 planted tank and they keep to themselves. I have never had a problem
  9. D

    Trumpet Snails

    how fast do they grow saying that i feed normally
  10. D

    Trumpet Snails

    ? any help here, i know it has probably been discussed but i like to hear what people ahve to say pertaining to my questions :]
  11. D

    Trumpet Snails

    So I just bought some Trumpet snails because I love watching the ones that climb up the glass, then fall back down, then repeat. They are pretty small though, does their shell grow with them? Also I know they reproduce fast, but how fast is fast? And do they cause any issues if there are TOO...
  12. D

    "Live sand" in FW tanks.

    ok to set the the story straight - i never said anything about live sand - it was from an old thread i jsut want sand i will be using PFS (pool Filter SAND) should i put a sponge over the filter to keep sand out when i am starting the tank up, likw whne everyting is really cloudy
  13. D

    Python - gravel vac

    my LFS's arent too good i am hoping that my luck willl change when i move to Mizzou (University of Missouri-Columbia) i have been on the phone with the owner of a place called Columbia Pet Center (2/3's of the store is tropical fish) it sounds like a good place - i am buying 5 baby atum...
  14. D

    55 Gallon Planted Tank - A Summary of the Addiction

    well listen - you shouldnt be using a tripod for this reason (think about it) if you are trying to catch a fish moving without it being blurred (aka needing a high shutter speed) then why would camera shake be an issue? you need a high shutter speed to stop (or freeze) the fish - the...
  15. D

    55 Gallon Planted Tank - A Summary of the Addiction

    getting a clear shot ahs to do with getting a shot that is not blurry in order to do that you need to have a higher shutter speed. in order to do that you need to have a higher ISO (film speed) and on top of it all you need a very wide aperture to allow light into the camera (therefore...
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