Recent content by DirtyJob

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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
  1. DirtyJob

    Why is my ammonia increasing?

    One more possibility is that the water company is flushing their system resulting in higher ammonia concentrations in your tap water. This has happened to me before (usually around late winter). Since you're stumped you might as well entertain as many possibilities until you determine the cause...
  2. DirtyJob

    Feeding Time!! For shrimp & snails...

    Thanks for the compliments :thumb: I get a kick out of watching them chow down too & yes they are having quiet the banquet lol. They pretty much eat the scraps of whatever fruit & veggies I eat so yeah they have it pretty good.
  3. DirtyJob

    Feeding Time!! For shrimp & snails...

    Just wanted to share some pics of my RCS (Neocaridina heteropoda var. red) & gold/yellow Pomacea diffusa snails chowing down on all kinds of vegetable & fruit scraps.
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