Recent content by F1shycornwall

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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
  1. F

    Heater - marine

    We’re in a new build in England so it’s a warm house throughout the day without heating (22-24) and then in the evening it’s warmed up to 24. What would your solution be if it is the lights? This is what the webpage says re the lights (in our opinion the lights are very hot) Brilliant...
  2. F

    Heater - marine

    We turned the thermometer right down to 18 an hour ago. The temperature is now reading 81 which is the highest we’ve seen it
  3. F

    Heater - marine

    Thank you. The house temp is maintained at 24
  4. F

    Heater - marine

    Hi I’ve got a new juwel 350l tank. The thermometer is 300w. My temperature in the tank goes between 78-80 and I cannot get it down even though the thermometer is set nearly at its lowest setting. Any ideas please? The thermometer, lighting etc was all part of the kit, so doubt it’s due to...
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