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  1. F

    Betta's Fin rot not Getting better

    I've already tried that. It got worse after 5 days so I started to add salt. I read that the cooler temp would help keep bacterial growth at minimum. His filter is a cheap tetra internal filter, and has some plants near the output to weaken the flow. I've had bettas in the past and their finrot...
  2. F

    Betta's Fin rot not Getting better

    I got him from PetSmart a few weeks ago. I noticed that he had minor fin rot so I did 50% changes and added double dose of stresscoat. However, that did not work and it got worse. I added some salt (1TSP/G) and did 100% daily. His fins kept melting away and so I shut off his heater and filter to...
  3. F

    Fin rot in betta fish

    Thanks. Ill try to pick some up tonight.
  4. F

    Fin rot in betta fish

    The picture is a bit blurry. I took it this morning. Ill get a clearer one when i get home. Its a lot worse than it was yesterday.
  5. F

    Fin rot in betta fish

    I read that Metafix is dangerous for them? Doesnt the tree oil damage their organs or something? His water is clean. 50% changes daily. His filter is really weak. His fins look worse today, its melting away quickly. I don't know why it is not getting better, his water is very clean.
  6. F

    Fin rot in betta fish

    Canning and pickling salt is the same as aquarium salt. Aquarium salt is just regular as salt with no additives and iodine. Canning and pickling salt is the same. I got him three weeks ago and his finrot was really minor so I left him with clean water and did 50% changes daily. It slowly got...
  7. F

    Fin rot in betta fish

    Hi, I recently bought a betta from PetSmart and I noticed that he has fin rot. So I quickly did a 50% water change and added 5 teaspoons of canning/picking salt (no iodine). Over the past few days, I've been doing 50% water changes daily and adding 2 teaspoons of salt back in. I've been treating...
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