Recent content by garethax

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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
  1. G

    Emaciated appearing but active Diamond Tetra

    Diamond Tetra- He refuses to each much if at all, and will usually only go after very tiny flakes meant for the neons, even then he'll just eat one or two. He will school with the others and is pretty active and normal in behavior, though he seems somewhat more distressed and will swim up...
  2. G

    SAE or Flying Fox/Falsies?

    What are the symptoms and signs of that in neon's? Can it spread? I've suddenly started losing one tetra a night (literally only at night) and I have no clue what is causing it. Two had odd looking slits on their bellies. I assumed that just meant my other fish noticed them before I did.
  3. G

    SAE or Flying Fox/Falsies?

    I am having some problems with my neons as well oiy those fish are tricky... Well thanks everyone, I guess I'll assume they are SAE's until they get a little bigger or if the get more aggressive.
  4. G

    SAE or Flying Fox/Falsies?

    They are tricky to keep up with for sure. I might sit down and watch if only one of them is ever aggressive towards the others. Its a very odd behavior, they kinda swim right next to each other and bump into one another and one will kinda peck or ram the other occasionally with its head. It is...
  5. G

    SAE or Flying Fox/Falsies?

    Its bothered me to the point of signing up and starting a thread >_< I bought three of these cute little buggers from a local pet store that assured me they were, and I quote. "Considered true Flying Foxes", when I asked about their behavior they said they schooled and were completely...
  6. WP 000054

    WP 000054

  7. WP 000058

    WP 000058

  8. WP 000057

    WP 000057

  9. WP 000056

    WP 000056

  10. WP 000061

    WP 000061

  11. WP 000059

    WP 000059

  12. WP 000060

    WP 000060

  13. SAE Hopefully >_<

    SAE Hopefully >_<

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