Recent content by GGMissMolly

The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an interest in aquariums or fish keeping!
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
  1. G


    Oh sorry, let me give an explanation..I bought the fish from pet supplies they didn't tell me anything about the water changes, but I was reading on here the different posts about the importance of the water changes, so I went to petco, and I explained my situation and the man at petco said to...
  2. G


    The guy at the pet store did not tell me not to do a water change while using the nutrafin cycle. I just got done changing out another 7.5 gallon and added the last dose of nutrafin. As for the overstalked tank that is completely my fault, I didn't think to ask how many fish I could put in my...
  3. G


    I forgot to mention that I use an api test kit and the water conditioner that I use is called NovAqua+ is this sufficient or should I be using something else?
  4. G


    This is what I got..A BIG FAT MESS!! No really. I have a 29 gallon tank that holds approx 25 gallon after rocks decorations etc. I have approx 19 fish. 1 pink kissing 3 Gouramis 1 silver hatchet 4 mollies 2 blk skirt tetras 1 columbian tetra 6 platy's 1 male betta 2 african dwarf frogs I...
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