The friendliest place on the web for anyone with an interest in aquariums or fish keeping!
If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
When I post on this site, I often say "we." We refers to me and my boyfriend.
My Tanks
**55g Freshwater Tank**
-1 Shubunkin Goldfish (Iso)
-1 Red Bristlenose Pleco (Wally)
-2 AC70 Filters
-1 Eheim Jager Heater kept at 70°F
-2 Air Stones on a Tetra Whisper 60
-Dual T5HO Light Fixture
-Heavily Planted
-Large Piece of Driftwood
-Gravel Substrate
-Seachem Root Tabs
-Seachem Excel
-Seachem Nutrient Products
-Fully Cycled: Sept. 2013
*Had a 10g tank initially before upgrading to the 55g.
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