Recent content by goatnad

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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
  1. G

    40 gallon long "dutch style"

    sorry for the very late response. didn't get a notification you had posted. yes potting soil does have its issues. it will drop your ph due to the decomposing material and it puts off a good bit of toxic gasses like ammonia. if managed right its not an issue. dirted tanks can also be messy and...
  2. G

    Save my dwarf hair grass please!!!

    first off chances are you didn't actually receive dwarf hairgrass seeds. sorry to say but many aquatic seeds aren't actually what they are sold as. if you did happen to get true seeds then off to the second issue. this is one reason i will not do a dry start method. you plant and everything...
  3. G

    25 gallon cube blackwater chocolate gouramis

    Ty :thumb: I can't thank you enough. :kiss:
  4. G

    Post your Betta Pics Here

    It is possible. The original image showed the yellow/gold on the tail being a lot more dull gold.
  5. G

    Buncha Betta questions

    You should be fine keeping him in 3 gallons for that time. As for the snails it would really depend on how much food is available but it being only a 3 gallon and as long as you aren't overfeeding the betta then they shouldn't go crazy. If you are seeing any food the betta doesn't eat then...
  6. G

    Green Algae

    I don't recommend UV sterilizers. There is always a cause to algae and the solution isn't to spend money on a fancy sterilizer. Raise your lights off of the tank and keep you light cycle at 5-6 hours. Also getting more plants will help.
  7. G

    Buncha Betta questions

    3 gallons is a little small for betta but can work as long as you keep up on maintance. I prefer 10 gallon tanks as they give more then enough room. Since this is a 3 gallon daily or every other day do a 50% water change. I like ramshorn snails but many don't because if you give them enough food...
  8. G

    Algae problems, please help.

    A warningfor you here. Don't siphon water by mouth if you are. Blue green algae can be harmful or deadly if you happen to ingest any.
  9. G

    Algae problems, please help.

    Blue green algae and staghorn algae. Increase water flow, more or larger water changes, add more plants and wait for them to establish. They will out compete the algae.
  10. G

    Post your Betta Pics Here

    latest betta additions. the orange and white one has a bit of fin damage that is healing up now. got him from a pet store in florida while visiting my sister. the other 2 i ordered off ebay from 2 different sellers. i have another coming in the next day or 2.
  11. G

    25 gallon cube blackwater chocolate gouramis

    water lettuce and jungle val are now in. i think i need to black out the back or something. any ideas?
  12. G

    25 gallon cube blackwater chocolate gouramis

    A few months ago I picked up a 25 gallon cube and stand from my LFS. I had planned on doing a tall planted rock scape in it but less then a month later my LFS finally got the chocolate gouramis I had on order so this has become their new home. The gouramis lived in a 10 gallon blackwater tank...
  13. G

    Free: raok plants

    time again to get rid of dwarf water lettuce... sigh... starting to get tired of this stuff lol. pay shipping and I will load a box up for you.
  14. G

    For Sale: plant package for sale

    I have a few plants for sale out of my 40 gallon long "dutch" tank. $35 shipped. I DO KEEP RAMSHORN SNAILS! I do guarantee against DOA so if you receive dead plants please send pictures within 2 hours of delivery time and I will replace them or refund you. Limnophila heterophylla 10 stems...
  15. G

    LEDs for 30 inch deep freshwater tank.

    personally i would go with led floodlights. super cheap and anything 50w and above will definitely get you good par at the substrate. only downsides are they may not be as aesthetically pleasing and sometimes they will die on you at random. i have bought 3 50w floodlights and had 1 die on me in...
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