Recent content by Grens404

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If you have answers, please help by responding to the unanswered posts.
  1. G

    New everything! Advice

    I think I'm going to go for the Cascade. The link I showed, what media do I need in addition to that?
  2. G

    New everything! Advice

    So the AC 110 alone will be OK? edit:®-Canister-Filter-Gallon-Aquariums/dp/B0002DJ9NY Same price as the AC 110. I'm thjnkjng I should get that one
  3. G

    New everything! Advice

    Not a huge fan of loaches. If I mainly wanted barbs, would gravel be better? What is AqAdvice?
  4. G

    New everything! Advice

    Hi everyone. So I just received my first tank and I want to do everything right. I have a 75 gallon tank, Aquaclear 110 filter, and a 300 watt heater. People have been telling me to get rid of the 110 and get a canister filter. Those are a little out of my price range. Will the 110 do a good...
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