Recent content by gwithyen

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  1. gwithyen

    External canister filter with UV

    Just wondered if it might reduce algae levels in the tank? Or is it unlikely to have any effect on the stuff growing on the glass and decorations?
  2. gwithyen

    220 litre/50 Gallon Cichlid Noob Help!!

    I got 9 Malawi cichlids in the end, 3 yellow labs, 3 dragons bloods (think that's what they're called,) and 3 blue striped ones that I haven't identified yet. They are all very happy! Double filtered, a fluval 205 external and a 200L internal to keep things moving!
  3. gwithyen

    220 litre/50 Gallon Cichlid Noob Help!!

    My happy tank is doing well, I thought that they had started to breed, but all the females who had a "full" mouth have not delivered. Any suggestions on how to improve the strike rate?
  4. gwithyen

    Fishless Diary: Newbie in all senses !

    Platys are always good and seem to be recommended starter fish at my LFS. Also white cloud minnows. Guppies are always good but take heed, they like to breed... A lot. I had to sell off 60 of mine from my 200 litre tank as it was getting mad in there... Danios are as hard as nails, the only...
  5. gwithyen

    External canister filter with UV

    I've seen a couple of external canister filters with. Uv attachment inside the canister, anyone got any thoughts on the matter or any experience with them? Or is it just another fad?
  6. gwithyen

    Betta Noob Questions

    Neon tetras can go quite well but they are delicate fish! Adds a touch more colour and activity without detracting from the show fish!
  7. gwithyen

    220 litre/50 Gallon Cichlid Noob Help!!

    Only 8 fish in a fifty gallon? I thought I could over stock? The Ruby shark is about 6 inches, no idea how old, the cichlids leave him alone currently, he does have another tank to go to if they or he get too boisterous!!
  8. gwithyen

    Bubble Wall :)

    A wall would be quite cool I reckon, I have an air stone in there currently, but the flow is huge and it really agitates the water surface, causing a lot of splash against the light bar. I've tried decreasing the flow but I just get fewer of the same size bubbles!
  9. gwithyen

    Bubble Wall :)

    Any recommendation on the actual air stones themselves? I was looking to get something that makes really fine / micro bubbles. Anyone got any thoughts? How about the wooden ones? Oh and just go on you toob to find out what happens if you wrap an air pump up in a towel...!
  10. gwithyen

    220 litre/50 Gallon Cichlid Noob Help!!

    So what is the recommended max stocking of African cichlids in a 50 gallon? I currently have 9 juveniles and a gibbicepts. Filtration by a fluval 205 external filter and another internal filter, rated for 200 litres. Any ideas?
  11. gwithyen

    stocking a 20 gallon long

    Kuhli loaches spend time hidden...!
  12. gwithyen

    220 litre/50 Gallon Cichlid Noob Help!!

    Something bright sounds good! Do you think they might mix with a RTBS too?!
  13. gwithyen

    220 litre/50 Gallon Cichlid Noob Help!!

    I reckon so, but I'm still learning! I also have a 6 inch RTBS... Can I combine?!
  14. gwithyen

    220 litre/50 Gallon Cichlid Noob Help!!

    To anyone who helped me with my other 3 tanks here previously - :thanks: You were amazing. Now I have a new, cycled, empty 50 Gallon tank and would love to start a cichlid tank... So... Help! Stocking ideas? I'm getting a book on cichlids tomorrow, but does anyone have any ideas on what goes...
  15. gwithyen

    Stocking and Compatibility Options..and a little too much algae.

    I know it's probably not the species you were looking for, but my oto's keep one tank clean, the other is cleaned by Odessa barbs - the seem to be the ones to tackle the black brush algae - my chinese algae eater only seems to enjoy eating the slime off the slower fish...
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