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  1. G

    My Two New Planted Tanks

    I have a gold chinese algae eater if that's the same thing. He is about 2 inches in length and is scared of the betta. He does protect his algae pellets though. I also have endlers livebearers in the tank. 8 small fish total. In the smaller chi I have a betta, octocinclus, garra pandas, 1 blue...
  2. G

    My Two New Planted Tanks

    Thanks! That is true, they are tricky to scape. Especially if u want to add anything more after its initial setup.
  3. G

    My Two New Planted Tanks

    I like the sand look as well. Your capping the top layer with sand sounds like a great way to do it.
  4. G

    My Two New Planted Tanks

    In the taller fluval chi its all black sand. I never had expected to have a hard time getting plants to stick in it. I don't think I will use sand again. It does look nice but adding new plants is w pain.
  5. G

    My Two New Planted Tanks

    Hi, I have had these two tanks for about 6 months now. It's allot of work but everything is staying alive mostly lol! They are both Fluval Chi's, original filters and lighting. Fluval heaters, and all plants and drift wood are real. One betta fish in each tank.
  6. G

    new fluval chi for my beta

    I got a brand new tank for my beta Flarion. I thew in a bunch of lucky bamboo and made a cave with two prices of drift wood and tied some moss to it. I used fine sand gravel ( its so messy to work with). Hopefully everything stays alive and healthy.
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