Recent content by halokfb

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  1. H

    Need Betta Fish Help/Advice Please

    Delapool...thank you so much for your help/knowledge. I'll let you know how things turn out if I decide to give the meds a go. :)
  2. H

    Need Betta Fish Help/Advice Please

    Delapool..what about API General Cure? Also, what is methylene blue used for?
  3. H

    Need Betta Fish Help/Advice Please

    Delapool...I don't have any experience with medications unfortunately. :( The link for the medication flakes, those can be used with betta fish as well as other types of fish? I'm just asking because I know there's special betta food. Please excuse my ignorance...I'm new. ;)
  4. H

    Need Betta Fish Help/Advice Please

    Thanks so much for the reply. Have you tried any treatments? Does it look like the lump is getting bigger or staying the same? Sometimes I think it might be smaller but I'm not sure if my eyes are just playing tricks on me. :(
  5. H

    Need Betta Fish Help/Advice Please

    Hello...I'm a newbie betta fish owner and I've had my little guy now for almost a year. He's in a 5-gallon filtered and heated tank (80 degrees). He gets 25-50% water changes (using water conditioner) once a week or so. My question is this...recently I have noticed a bump on his left side...
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